Friday, February 8, 2008

Taking Teens on a Retreat This Weekend!

I've gotten lots of consent forms in and one parent actually was excited about this project. (I have had a long relationship with that family, so they trust me, and their daughter looks to me as an older sister)

My MySpace page is taking off and I am amazed at how open the kids are being. I started them out. Wrote a blog about who I am...the side they don't see as I'm teaching them Bible lessons. They responded really well to that and have followed my lead in writing their own blogs on our MySpace page.

I'm taking a couple of the youth group girls on a retreat where there will be about 300+ teenagers. I'm sure that this weekend is going to leave me completelly wiped out, but I'm really excited about it. I think I'll be able to get some pretty good observing time as they interact with other teens that they, for the most part, won't know.