Sunday, February 17, 2008

Teenage Overload

Well, I've spent pretty much this entire weekend with my teenagers. Last night we sat for hours at Starbucks, where they let me into their social world. I was filled in on all the high school drama, the boys/girls they like... which was actually really interesting because one of my boys is gay, so him and the girls are all crushing on the same guys. Then we talked about just some of the stuff they go through. Anxieties they have, what popularity and clothing means to them, family relationships....a ton of stuff. It was kind of overwhelming, and they told me they aren't done talking, so I guess these random coffee trips are going to become a fairly regular thing...although I think I'm not going to take all five at the same time again. That was just crazy.

Today one of the girls had her 15th birthday party. 20 teenagers.... and me. Although, they actually really like having me around, so it wasn't as awkward as it could have been. I had fun watching them interact with each other. All of them had their phones out the entire time, texting constantly...sometimes to a person that was sitting just across the room. Music was on, singing and dancing was happening, making fun of each other had them laughing...

Overall, not a bad weekend in terms of this class....but I'd be totally okay with not seeing another teenager for a couple days.

1 comment:

Professor Rubenstein said...

again, two good field events: Starbucks for establishing rapport, and a great party (nice comment on the phones). Save your notes for the latter, we should be able to useit in some way.